Dentist in North Hollywood
Dr. Fred Mandell practices general dentistry with an emphasis on crowns, implants, bridges, fillings, bonding, root canals and dentures with an emphasis on cosmetics.
Dr. Fred graduated from Reseda High School and pursued his undergraduate degree in English at UCLA. After receiving his B.A. in English, Dr. Fred continued his education at UCLA, where he received his D.D.S. In addition to being a part of Studio City Dental Group, Dr. Mandell is also a lecturer at the UCLA School of Dentistry, in the Restorative Department. He enjoys interacting with, and lending his experience and knowledge to the next generation of dentists.
Dr. Fred was born in New York but moved to the Los Angeles area when he was 6 months old. It was at UCLA, where his brother Michael (also a dentist at SCDG) introduced Dr. Fred to his patient, Rosny. Dr. Fred and Rosny married and made a home in Studio City, eventually having 3 beautiful children, Lexie, Katie, and Robert. Katie is one of his dental assistants.
Dr. Mandell’s favorite hobby is golf. He plays weekly with a regular foursome and continues practicing and trying to improve! Dr. Fred enjoys traveling and has taken trips to Sweden, Spain, Canada, and most recently, Australia. He is also on the Board of Directors for Students Run LA, a non-profit organization that trains at risk middle & high school students to run the LA Marathon, learn life skills, and graduate high school. Dr. Mandell is also a huge UCLA Football and Basketball fan!
To receive a consultation, request your appointment online and schedule your visit during one of the select times our dentists in North Hollywood have set aside exclusively for Web visitors.